With the current specification of the standard computer, to display the windows [Xp] in full should be less than a minute or thereabouts. But if the emergence of more than 2 minutes, or stop long before desktops (icons, start menu and others) to appear full, chances are that troubled her windows.
There be some things that we can check to find out this problem. Fundamental things that must be examined is any program that runs when windows appear. To know it can be examined with tools such as Autoruns. Look at the Logon tab, especially the:
HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run to bottom.

Existing list is a program that will always run together with windows. If there is a program that is unknown, suspicious or strange, remove the check mark beside her, which means the program will not run when windows start. Or a program that just ask for updates or other applications that are not so important, just remove the sign checknya (see also this inidan)
Once completed, then Restart Computer, and check whether the loading is still too slow. If still slow then the system needs to be checked it with the following steps:
**Open the Event Viewer (Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Event Viewer)
** After the show, from the list on the left section Event Viewer (Local), select System, will be displayed caption / message at the right hand (Informations, Error and warning)

* Remove the message that there is, by choosing Action> Clear All Events. When prompted to confirm will be saved, just click yes to save all the messages. Once the list is empty, Restart Computer
** When loading the windows let it appear full, when you're done, double check the Event Viewer System (as above)
** Try to be observed, especially the Error or Warning. Check waktuya column (Time), if the lapse of time between the message with the message until it pretty much (maybe more than one or two minutes), then chances are the problem there. Double-click to find out the problem
If we can understand the problems / description then immediately try to overcome. But maybe some will have difficulty reading the message, let alone any information at all strange. If so, record or notice of existing messages, then we asked the experts (need to connect to the Internet) is to open this address: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp
How then?
After opening the link, looks like the following.

Try using the above search, if not successfully use the bottom search. Event ID codes can be added or some of the contents of Description. Should be shown the article or discussion about the existing problems. (Http://ebsoft.web.id)
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