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Monday 27 September 2010

understanding of digital

Digitus Digital comes from the word, in Greek means fingers. If we count the fingers of adults, then the amount of ten (10). The value of ten is made up of 2 radix, ie 1 and 0, therefore the depiction of Digital is a state number consisting of digits 0 and 1 or off and on (binary). All computer systems use a digital system as its data base. Can also called Bit (Binary Digit).

unlike the digital books, so in the context of elektronikanya can be regarded as a digital system or as picture above understanding. so it can be interpreted digital book is Electronic Version of the book. If the book is generally composed of a collection of papers that can contain text or images, the Digital Book also contains digital information that can be either text, pictures, video, or audio in electronic form. Today digital book attracted many people because of his ability that in general the search feature to be easily found.

Digital concept, it is also a picture of a state of mutual understanding opposites. In the picture of a light switch that is pressed on the on, then the room will look brighter. However, if the light switch is pressed on the off button, then the room went dark. The condition of the universe as a whole embraced this digital system. At the equator hemisphere, the rise of day and night is a phenomenon that is indisputable. Psychologically, human nature is formed by two, that is good and bad. The concept of Yin and Yang was also in touch with this digital concept.

In the digital book there are various popular file formats dimasyarakt. In general, depending on the availability of digital book application, or the ease of digital books, which is intended to read any type of file format. Some file formats in a digital book that is plain text, jpeg, lit, html and pdf. In the digital book also has some multimedia elements such as images and text. Digital Book Formats

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